Teaching CS50 with AI
Computer Science with Theatricality: Creating Memorable Moments in CS50 with the American Repertory Theater during COVID-19
Codespaces in education with David J. Malan, GitHub Universe 2022
AI in education: GitHub Copilot in the classroom
Dining + Demos, Replit EdFest 2022
The Digital Classroom: Teaching during the COVID era, April 2022
Hello, Visitas: CS50 and the Art of Programming, Visitas 2022
Git Pushing the Envelope in CS50, GitHub Universe 2021
Computer Science with Theatricality, Illinois Computer Science Teaching Workshop 2021
Focus on Education - Office Hours 396
A Taste of CS50, Visitas Thinks Big 2021
Running Times, SIGCSE 2021
Toward an Ungraded CS50, SIGCSE 2021
Class of 1973 Zoom Cocktail Party
CS50's Zoom Setup for Live Classes
How to Design Environments that Optimize Blended Learning, Zoomtopia 2020
Teaching Academic Honesty in CS50, SIGCSE 2020
Education as a Service: Containerization and Orchestration of CS50 IDE, KubeCon 2019
Education as a Service: Containerization and Orchestration of CS50 IDE, Cloud Native Revolution 2019
A Taste of CS50, Visitas Thinks Big 2019
CS50's GitHub-Based Tools for Teaching and Learning, SIGCSE 2019
Building CS50 on GitHub - GitHub Universe 2017
CS50 a Escala, Universidad Nacional de IngenierĂ­a, 2017
CS50 at Scale, University of Manchester, 2017
How I implemented GitHub in my classroom, SIGCSE 2017
Pedagogy behind CS50 at Harvard, University of Washington, 2014
What's an algorithm, TED-Ed, 2013